All the Clients, Special Category Clients (SCC) and Members of IIBX are hereby informed that as part of the compliance requirement, the Exchange has incorporated the facility for capturing the Directors/Shareholders/Partners etc details under “
Additional UCC Details
” in the UCC portal. It is mandatory for all the Clients and SCCs to get the details of their Directors/Shareholders/Partners, etc. uploaded in the UCC module.
It is also the responsibility of the Members to ensure that the additional UCC details pertaining to Directors/Shareholders/Partners, etc of their respective clients is updated in UCC module immediately, failing which the Exchange may temporarily suspend the UCCs where these details are not available. Further, these details are also required to be updated on regular basis whenever there is any change in the Directors/Shareholders/Partners details in the UCC.
Members, Clients and SCC may also note that henceforth while creation of any new UCC in the UCC Module, the details inter alia including details of Directors/Shareholders/Partners, etc. need to updated.
In case of any clarification please call on the below officials of IIBX :
Sr. No.
Name of the official
Contact No.
Mr. Puneet Kanwar
079 69697129
Mr. Bihari Lal
079 69697150
Ms. Manjiri Nimkar
079 69697151
Mr. Kandarp Trivedi
079 69697153
Mr. Umesh Yadav
079 69697134
For and on behalf of India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited
Surendra Rashinkar
Chief Regulatory Officer
Contact No. +91 79 6969 7104